Shelby Naz Church
Shelbyville, IL First Church of the Nazarene

Young adult sunday school

Unnamed.jpegTom and Jody Fleshner will be teaching the study Named: the Unnamed.

We may feel marginalized, rejected, treated as other.
But God sees us...knows us...names us.

Through the stories, insights, and questions of The Unnamed, discover not only how God gave these biblical outcasts identity, but now he gives us identity as well.

The Unnamed include The Woman at the Well, The Bent-Over Woman, The Gadarene Demoniac, The Unclean Woman, The Man Born Blind, and The Good Samaritan.

Named is a small-group resource that tells the story of people from Scripture through a new lens—exploring the mystery of faith with a literary touch. Each series introduces six different characters in the Bible—unpacking one every week. Become acquainted with the people identified by God in a story as particular as you.
how God gave these unnamed biblical outcasts identity and how he gives us identity as well.

This topic is taught in the 4th Classroom in the Christian Life center (CLC).