Shelby Naz Church
Shelbyville, IL First Church of the Nazarene

Children's Ministry

Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14-NIV). Children are important to Jesus as one can tell by His words in this passage of scripture. He placed great emphasis on them. Anyone knows that a child is capable of leading adults around and demonstrating the power of great faith.

Shelbyville First also loves children! We have an entire floor in the educational unit of the church that is dedicated solely to teaching children.

Our dedicated leaders and teachers are devoted to the care and safety of children. We want them to know the love of Jesus and to experience His love in a safe environment.

Children's ministries include Sunday school, VBS, camps Blast (during the fall and winter), and special activities throughout the year.

Jesus loved children and so do we! Bring your child and join us soon.